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Compliance Test and Engineering Services

We offer standard certification tests for high-speed interfaces such as USB, USB Power Delivery, HDMI, DisplayPort, DisplayPort HDR, as well as signal integrity measurement and verification for MIPI, PCI Express, SATA, SAS, and more.

Compliance Test

Standard certification tests for DisplayPort, HDMI, USB, USB Power Delivery, and more.

Engineering Service

Signal integrity measurement, debugging and consultation, system integration, testing and calibration automation development.

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HDMI 2.2正式亮相 突破極限!開啟次世代影音體驗新篇章

HDMI Forum, Inc. 於2025年1月6日在美國消費電子展 2025(CES 2025)公開了即將發表的HDMI(High-Definition Multimedia Interface)最新規格「HDMI 2.2」。自2017年HDMI 2.1發布以來已經過了七年,全新的標準將頻寬從48Gbps提升一倍至96Gbps,並加入多項新功能以因應次世代顯示技術的發展,究竟HDMI 2.2有哪些大耀進,讓我們一一為您介紹。